Monday, June 22, 2009

How I fight my breakouts??

Alright ladies this is the story of my battle against my breakouts..I think acne breakouts is a very common problem that most of us experience at one point of our life. I have had on and off issues with acne..most of my acne is related to hormonal changes I think. I just can not stop those ugly zits coming up during that time of the month. Recently I have become more and more conscious of my skin and trying very hard to prevent breakouts. Here are some things which I have been following religiously for quite some time and I am sure I can see some difference in my skin..I am not saying this totally prevented my breakouts but definitely reduced the number, frequency and also the size of the zits.

1. Neutrogena pink grapefruit oil-free acne wash foaming scrub

I use this everyday in the shower. Even though it says its a scrub, it is definitely not too harsh. The exfoliating beads are very gentle and I think it can be used almost every day for someone like me who has oily skin. This product has salicylic acid which is good.

2. After washing my face, I take an ice cube and wrap it in a cotton cloth and gently dab it on my face. I first start with eyes because it doesn't get too cold initially. Then I concentrate on my cheeks, nose and chin. Ice cube is a great stuff, it prevents the acne from getting bigger.

3. Cetaphil daily cleanser for normal to oily skin

I use this cleanser mainly in the night to remove my makeup. This is a very gentle cleanser and at the same time does a decent job in removing my makeup. Although I need to use toner to remove that last bit of makeup.

I make sure I always remove my makeup before sleeping. Never ever sleep with your makeup on period.

4. Aspirin+Honey Mask

I apply this mask atleast once a week..sometimes twice. I love this mask, its cheap and the best mask for acne. Both Aspirin and Honey helps fight against acne. Check out how I make the mask here

5. Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask

I use this once a week. This mask essentially helps my acne to dry while the aspirin mask helps in preventing my acne breakouts. My skin feels fresh, squeaky clean after using this mask

6. Clean and Clear Parsa Gel 5

This contains 5% benzoyl peroxide which is another common ingredient found in many acne control products. This when used with all the above products works well for me. It dries out my acne in 1-2 days most of the time. But I am not too sure about this product when used without my HG stuff like Aspirin mask or Neutrogena face wash.

7. Finally I make sure I drink a lot of water everyday..atleast 2 litres or 3 if I workout. I feel a huge difference with my skin when I drink a lot of water.

8. A quick tip..After using the acne medication my skin around the acne tends to get dry and makes this worse. So I usually spritz some Mac fix+ right after I finish applying my foundation and concealer. The yucky flakes just disappear after this. I then apply some setting powder. I love fix+..its such a life saviour!!

I hope this helped some of you out there battling against your breakouts. If you have any HG acne control product please let me know..I would love to try them and see if it can totally prevent my acne..ha maybe that's that too much to ask.

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